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German for Nurses

In 2020, ZWEI began offering German language courses for the linguistic training of nurses who wish to emigrate to Germany.

Nursing professionals with a diploma recognized by MEC and registration with Coren, who can prove intermediate level (B1) proficiency in German, can apply to the German government and receive the right to work in the European country, that is, the Granting of permission to use the professional title - Erteilung der Erlaubnis zum Führen der Berufsbezeichnung.

The demand for hiring qualified professionals in the largest economy in Europe led the German Ministers of Labor and Foreign Affairs to visit Brazil on June 5, 2023, on a mission to stimulate the recruitment of nurses.

The German government plans to select 700 Brazilian nurses per year, according to Cofen.


Candidates can participate in the expatriation process directly on the official page of the German government's employment agency, through the provided link, or via private agencies specialized in recruiting nurses for Germany. Any of these companies offer support to the candidate regarding diploma equivalence (Ausgleichsmaßnahmen) and the final professional suitability exam (Anerkennung) for practicing the profession.


Candidates receive guidance and, in almost all cases, financial support for the German language course to achieve language proficiency.

Entre em contato conosco!
Preencha o formulário para que o nosso coordenador pedagógico entre em contato e te ajude a escolher o curso certo para você!


Rua São Sebastião, 1741, Centro, São Carlos- SP,
CEP 13.560-230

Contact us:
+55 16 3116-1510
+55 16 98181 4111

German Courses
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© ZWEI Idiomas, 2023

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